Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Connected Curriculum - Challenge #16

Educate Yourself on the Importance of STEM Education

Learn how science, technology, engineering and math education spawns long-term American economic benefits.

America’s high school seniors aren't prepared for college-level math and science courses. Few graduates grab advanced STEM classes in high school, and those who do seldom earn qualifying scores on their AP exams. Once in college, students are generally avoiding  STEM majors. And post-college, less than half of men and women advancing after college with STEM degrees chose not to work in their field even though the jobs are there. obviously, these statistics are just that -- statistics. The actuality is that students across the United States are succeeding in STEM courses, but unfortunately, those students are the exception.

The fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are extensively considered to be critical to the United States’ future accomplishment and competitiveness in the global marketplace. These fields will help to create the next generation of innovators, doctors, scientists, software developers and engineers, so it is vital that students are exposed to quality STEM education early in their academic careers.  Yet, only one in five STEM scholars felt that their K-12 education prepared them very well for their college courses in STEM.

Early exposure  to STEM can put students on a path to college and career success by providing them with the tools they need to make knowledgeable decisions about what high school courses will aid them in the college admissions process, what college major is the right fit for them and what career specialty they would like to follow. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the next five years, STEM jobs are projected to grow twice as quickly as jobs in other fields. While all jobs are expected to grow by 10.4%,  STEM jobs are expected to increase by 21.4%. Similarly, 80% of jobs in the next decade will require technical skills. 

We have a colossal problem on our hands, but small modifications in just one school can make an unbelievable impact. You have the capacity to change the lives of hundreds of schoolchildren by transforming education in your very own classroom.

Until tomorrow...

Collaborate and connect your curriculum!


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